How to get fibre channel multipath working (FreeBSD target, mac initiator)
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Aram Hăvărneanu
2018-11-07 22:56:35 UTC

(I hope this is the correct mailing list for these type of things).

I am using FreeBSD as a fibre channel target. The initiator is a
mac, connected with a point to point connection. I wish to use
multipathing. I have a QLogic QLE2462 card, and I have recompiled
the kernel to enable target mode support.

It works, but I can't get multipathing to work. The mac sees two
LUNs and connects to both.

My understanding is that multipathing should "just work" on the mac
side, if what the mac calls "Logical Unit Unique ID" is the same
for every path. I believe that the "Logical Unit Unique ID" is the
SCSI INQUIRY VPD page 0x80 data. So option "-S" in ctladm(8). But
perhaps I am mistaken and it is the device id, so option "-d" in
ctladm(8). To cover both cases, I have this /etc/ctl.conf

lun fibre-channel {
backend block
device-id "FC Disk AAAA0000ZZZ01"
serial "AAAA0000ZZZ01"
option vendor "MGK"
option product "FC Disk"
path /dev/zvol/tank1/export/fc

target naa.2100001b321cd5b6 {
auth-group no-authentication
port isp0
port isp1
lun 0 fibre-channel

On the mac side I see the vendor and product (really only added
them there for debugging), but I certainly do not see the serial

emerald:aram$ sudo mpioutil list
Alias Vendor Product LUN Identifier
1 No Alias MGK FC Disk
Least Bytes
2 No Alias MGK FC Disk
Least Bytes

The "LUN Identifier" is blank. Comparing the output with output
from people who have this working with Solaris+mac (instead of
FreeBSD) I see that there should only be one entry there if multipath
is working, and the "LUN Identifier" should not be blank.

The only other debugging information the mac provides is the "system
report", which in my case says:

Capacity: 912,68 GB (912.680.550.400 bytes)
LUN Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
Manufacturer: MGK
Model: FC Disk
Revision: 1
ALUA Support: Implicit
Logical Unit Access State: Active Optimized
Load Balancing Algorithm: Least Bytes
Removable Media: No
Detachable Drive: No
BSD Name: disk2
Partition Map Type: Unknown

A good one should be:

Capacity: 8 TB (7,999,447,891,968 bytes)
LUN Address: 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
Logical Unit Unique ID: 0x600A0B80002682A8000067D95897A544
Manufacturer: SUN
Model: CSM200_R
Revision: 760
ALUA Support: Unsupported
Logical Unit Access State: Active Optimized
Load Balancing Algorithm: Least Bytes
Removable Media: Yes
Detachable Drive: No
BSD Name: disk6
Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)
S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported

Notice that I am missing the "Logical Unit Unique ID" while the
working configuration displays it.

Am I doing something wrong here? Why doesn't the serial number
and/or the device-id I specified in ctl.conf propagate to the
initiator? Unfortunately the mac really can't provide any more
debugging information than that. Unless I use DTrace, but without
source it's pretty difficult.

On the FreeBSD side I see this type of output:

ctlfe_onoffline: isp0 current WWNN 0x2000001b321cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp0 current WWPN 0x2100001b321cd5b6
isp0: Setting Channel 0 wwns to 0x2100001b321cd5b6 0x2100001b321cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp0 new WWNN 0x2100001b321cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp0 new WWPN 0x2100001b321cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp0 (path id 6) target role enable succeeded
ctlfe_onoffline: isp1 current WWNN 0x2000001b323cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp1 current WWPN 0x2101001b323cd5b6
isp1: Setting Channel 0 wwns to 0x2100001b321cd5b6 0x2101001b323cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp1 new WWNN 0x2100001b321cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp1 new WWPN 0x2101001b323cd5b6
ctlfe_onoffline: isp1 (path id 7) target role enable succeeded
ctlfeasync: WWPN 0x2802000155535323 port 0x000001 path 6 target 0
ctlfeasync: WWPN 0x2801000155535323 port 0x000001 path 7 target 0

But, as I have never done this before, I don't know if that looks
correct or not. I don't know if "path 6" and "path 7" there should
be the same or not.

I can enable more debugging information on the FreeBSD side, but
at the moment I don't know what to look for.

Just for reference, I also tried this config file, and it made no
difference, I get the same behavior with it:

lun fibre-channel {
backend block
device-id "FC Disk AAAA0000ZZZ01"
serial "AAAA0000ZZZ01"
option vendor "MGK"
option product "FC Disk"
path /dev/zvol/tank1/export/fc

target naa.2100001b321cd5b6 {
auth-group no-authentication
port isp0
lun 0 fibre-channel

target naa.2101001b323cd5b6 {
auth-group no-authentication
port isp1
lun 0 fibre-channel


Aram Hăvărneanu
Aram Hăvărneanu
2018-11-08 11:36:52 UTC
I figured it out, this config works:

lun fibre-channel {
backend block
device-id "5000c5001d5ba30b"
serial "MGKSERIAL0001"
option vendor "MGK"
option product "FC Disk"
option naa "600A0B80002682A8000067D95897A544"
option removable "on"
path /dev/zvol/tank1/export/fc

target naa.2100001b321cd5b6 {
auth-group no-authentication
port isp0
port isp1
lun 0 fibre-channel
Aram Hăvărneanu