TRIM on mixed SSD/HHD ZFS pool
(too old to reply)
2020-06-05 06:37:38 UTC

I have decided to gradually move over to SSD in my ZFS pool. Anybody knows if ZFS will issue a TRIM designated for the SSD in this mixed case, while the HDD do not support this?


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Riccardo Veraldi
2020-06-05 09:23:21 UTC
you may opt for enterprise level SSD disks. I have been using the 9300
NVMe seriesĀ  with Lustre/ZFS writing extensive data and I have never
needed any trimming on them. They do automatic garbage collection.
They are quite expensive piece of hardware though.
Post by p***@bsd4all.org
I have decided to gradually move over to SSD in my ZFS pool. Anybody knows if ZFS will issue a TRIM designated for the SSD in this mixed case, while the HDD do not support this?
2020-06-08 16:35:38 UTC
Thx for your answer, but 6 enterprise SSD are way over my budget.
Post by Riccardo Veraldi
you may opt for enterprise level SSD disks. I have been using the 9300
NVMe series with Lustre/ZFS writing extensive data and I have never
needed any trimming on them. They do automatic garbage collection.
They are quite expensive piece of hardware though.
Post by p***@bsd4all.org
I have decided to gradually move over to SSD in my ZFS pool. Anybody knows if ZFS will issue a TRIM designated for the SSD in this mixed case, while the HDD do not support this?
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Steven Hartland
2020-06-08 19:44:00 UTC
TRIM is on a per vdev so yes it will work.
Post by p***@bsd4all.org
I have decided to gradually move over to SSD in my ZFS pool. Anybody knows if ZFS will issue a TRIM designated for the SSD in this mixed case, while the HDD do not support this?
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Riccardo Veraldi
2020-06-09 12:53:34 UTC
Post by p***@bsd4all.org
Thx for your answer, but 6 enterprise SSD are way over my budget.
I am not sure about the ZFS implementation on FreeBSD but regarding ZFS
on Linux (ZoL0 there is a patched version which supports trimming,

and I have tryed it (on Linux RHEL7).

I had a positive experience with the Intel SSD DC S3510 series 480GB.
They are discontinued now but I have seen them on amazon at $280,

they are enterprise class, and I never needed to TRIM the FS on them, I
Really wrote a lot of data on them, and they are SATA.

I also bought a bunch of them second hand which were used intensively
and they still run fine even if they have been used a lot before me.

I used them as boot disk and system disk on OpenBSD (sparc64).

Post by p***@bsd4all.org
Post by Riccardo Veraldi
you may opt for enterprise level SSD disks. I have been using the 9300
NVMe series with Lustre/ZFS writing extensive data and I have never
needed any trimming on them. They do automatic garbage collection.
They are quite expensive piece of hardware though.
Post by p***@bsd4all.org
I have decided to gradually move over to SSD in my ZFS pool. Anybody knows if ZFS will issue a TRIM designated for the SSD in this mixed case, while the HDD do not support this?
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